Yes, Voodoo dolls are excellent for use in cases of attracting love or improving sex. Get a Voodoo doll in the likeness of Oshun or Erzulie Freda. These are the Santeria and Voodoo Goddesses of love.
The following ritual invokes the spirit of Oshun. Oshun is the Santeria goddess of love, art, and dance. Her greatest attribute is her ability to provide the emotions a solid foundation upon which to reside and grow.
Ideally, you will begin at your altar. It is advisable to have altar candles (yellow, green, or pink) and spiritual incense burning (cinnamon) at the time of use. To begin, you will need to ask Papa Legba to open the gates to the spirit world so that you can ask Oshun for a favor. To do so, recite the following three times:
Odu Legba, Papa Legba, open the door, Your children are waiting. Papa Legba, open the door, your children await.
You can now use your Voodoo doll as a focusing tool for creating the change you seek. Oshun is particularly useful for improving love, happiness, and emotional strength. Concentrate on the outcome you wish to occur and greet Oshun with the appropriate ritual greeting: Ori Ye Ye O.
You may now ask Oshun for assistance in creating the change you seek. You may write a petition if you wish. Make an offering for three days following your request. Appropriate offerings include lighting a special candle, placing a small plate of food from your dinner on her altar, or flowers. Oshun is particularly fond of cinnamon, honey, oranges, pumpkins, gold, mirrors, and French pastries. Her favorite colors are yellow, green, and coral, her favorite day is Thursday, and her favorite number is the number 5. Be creative!
When you are finished, place Oshun in your kitchen or in the bedroom as these are the best places in the home for her.
To purchase an Oshun Voodoo doll such as the one pictured, visit The Mystic Voodoo.